
Life has posed its challenges, but I've embraced them with unwavering determination. Balancing part-time commitments, I've dedicated myself to growth in the software industry and e-commerce. Driven by a deep desire to provide a brighter future for my family, this relentless pursuit has allowed me to engage with diverse technologies, tools, and platforms, continually enhancing my skills and expanding my horizons.



Design Techniques & Prototyping

Object Oriented Design, Database Design, Design Patterns, Balsamiq, Microsoft Viso, Rational Rose and Db Designer 4

Development Methodologies

Agile, SCRUM, Sprints, Kanban, TDD, BDD

Emerging Web Technologies

jQuery, jQuery Mobile, Prototype, SASS, Compass, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Yahoo User Interface Kit, Facebook OpenGraph API, Amazon Web Services (EC2, S3, Elastic and more) 

Programming & Scripting Languages

PHP, Python, Java, Groovy, JavaScript, JSON, HTML, DHTML, XML, XSLT, XUL, CSS, SQL, ASP.NET, Visual Basic

Development Frameworks & Open Source CMS

Laravel, CodeIgnator, PHP Cake, Zend Framework, Yii, Compass, Zurb Foundation, Bootstrap, Drupal 7, Drupal Gardens, WordPress, Joomla, Prestashop, Doctrine ORM, Grails, Vaadin, Selenium

Development Tools & IDEs

Intelij IDEA, PHP Strom, Web Strom, NetBeans, Eclipse, Microsoft Visual Studio, Zend Studio

Database Management Systems

MySQL, SQL Lite, MS SQL, Access

Configuration, Build and Project Management Tools

Git, Gitlab, Subversion, Jenkins, Cloudbees, Maven, Phabricator, Microsoft Project, BaseCamp, Pivotal Tracker, Trello, JIRA

Application Servers

Apache, Tomcat, NGnix, IIS 

Performance and Load Testing

Visual VM, Your Kit Profiler, jMeter, Fiddler 2, 

Operating Systems

Ubuntu, Windows, Mac OSX


AWS (Amazon Web Services), Linux Asterisk Gateway for IVR (Interactive Voice Recognition), PHP AGI, and Kannel (Open source WAP & SMS Gateway) 


Learning is always a priority for me.